Imperial County mobilized to assist migrants and asylum seekers.

On Friday, December 23, 2022, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) notified the Imperial County Office of Emergency Services (OES) and the county Department of Social Services that more than a dozen individuals seeking asylum in the United States would be released from a local shelter. According to DHS, the release was necessary because the local shelter had reached capacity. Although Imperial County is not responsible for releases or placements of these individuals and/or family units, the County is working with partner agencies and nonprofit organizations to provide humanitarian aid and meet the basic needs of this released. 

The Imperial County Department of Social Services activated their mobile unit and dispatched staff to the City of Calexico. The County staff identified approximately 30 individuals, including women and children, that were released. Food and water was provided and temporary shelter was arranged for about half the individuals. Transportation was either provided or coordinated to assist others to get to their destinations. County staff will continue to communicate with DHS about any additional releases.