(IID supported bill moves forward)...The Bill is being carried by Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia.

The Bill was unanimously approved by the Assembly Committee on Water, Parks, and Wildlife. The legislation is intended to facilitate water conservation in the Imperial Valley to bolster the Colorado River and unlock $175 million in federal funds for Salton Sea Projects. The bill would facilitate The Imperial Irrigation District's component of the landmark Lower Basin Plan between Arizona, California and Nevada to conserve 3 million acre feet of water by 2026, the largest water conservation effort in the history of the Colorado River. Last fall, the US Department of the Interior endorsed the plan as the preferred alternative to operate the Colorado River system for the duration of current rules that manage the river and its reservoirs. The Garcia legislation will facilitate voluntary and temporary water conservation for farmers and unlock millions for shovel-ready Salton Sea projects, which is good for the Imperial Valley, the Salton Sea, and the Colorado River system, according to the IID.