(Surprise for El Centro City Council member)…Jason Jackson was in Superior Court in Brawley Tuesday.

He and his attorney, Raj Singh, were in court to request the court dismiss a ten day jail sentence and modify probation for an animal cruelty conviction Jackson had pleaded guilty to in 2017. Singh told the court that throughout the probation period his client displayed reform, good conduct, contributed time to the community, completed court ordered counseling and had been a law abiding citizen. Judge Christopher Plourd noted that Jackson indicated no law violations during probation, but was convicted of two traffic violations. The Judge said he did not find any cause to vacate the ten day jail sentence. After denying the motion, the Judge remanded Jackson to the immediate custody of the Sheriff to serve his 10 day jail sentence. Singh asked for some time before Jackson turned himself in. The Judges response to the request was No. He said Today is the day and the time is now. Jackson was immediately taken to County Jail.