(IID Leads Electrification Initiative)....They are doing that by forming a Strategic Workgroup.

At their meeting this week, the Imperial Irrigation District Board of Directors approved the creation of an Electrification Workgroup, whose goal will be to develop outreach and programming strategies to aid customers, local agencies, and regional planning agencies as the state transitions to electric vehicles. The district says regulations by the state of California to zero-emission vehicles by 2035 pose significant planning obligations, not only for the IID, but for customers and local agencies. As the power provider for the Imperial Valley and parts of Coachella Valley, IID stands uniquely positioned to proactively aid its customers and communities in meeting these mandates. IID Director Karin Eugenio says this initiative demonstrates a commitment to sustainable and proactive leadership in addressing the challenge of climate change at the municipal level. The workgroup takes a significant step towards meeting the goals.